since 2024/10 Visiting professor
Performative Design Research at weißensee kunsthochschule berlin

Member of the Cluster of Excellence MoA »Matters of Activity. Image Space Material« at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

2020/03–2024/09 Design Research Coordinator at Design Department HS Anhalt, Bauhaus-Campus Dessau

2021/10–2024/09 Research Associate
Design Didactics and Digital Design Education at Design Department HS Anhalt, Dessau

2023–24 Teaching:
HSA DessauVR Fotostudio“ / praxwerk
GIU BerlinDesign & Economy“

2021-22 Teaching in Berlin:
UdK„15 Positions: fieldnotes from research and practice“, together with 15 female artists and researchers, Studium Generale
HMKW„Drawing“, Project Workshop, International BA Design
GUC„Advanced Research Methods“, Premaster Design

2021/06/26 Performance
Shadowplay with Multihybrid
at Studio//Bühne by Suse Weber

2021/04 Teaching online
Drawing Together (distributed)
Design Department HS Anhalt, Bauhaus-Campus Dessau, International/ Integrated Master

2020/12 Teaching online
Drawing Now. Politik und Poetik des zeichnerischen Entwerfens.
Seminar with Gert Hasenhütl at Angewandte Wien

202o/11/20 Performance
Figurenrede: Kalte Nadel with Multihybrid
Stadtmuseum Berlin, Nikolaikirche


2024/09 Lecture & Panel Talk
Drawing (expanded) as collaborative knowledge practice @ Conference Thinking in Motion, FU Berlin

2024/05 Paper & Presentation
Dobler, J., Hohl, M., & Gwendolyn, K. (2024). Design research incubation. Reflections on how to foster design research. P/References of Design, Cumulus Budapest 2024.

2024/03 Book Chapter
Collaborative Drawing as Knowledge Practice. In F. Colonnese, N. Grancho, & R. Schaeverbeke (Eds.), Approaches to Drawing in Architectural and Urban Design. Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2024, p. 489–504.

2024/01 Research Booklet
Gwendolyn, K., Hohl, M., & Dobler, J. Design research incubation. Reflections on how to foster design research. GUC Cairo & Anhalt University 2024.

2021/09/29 Presentation
Fe­mi­nist HCI Me­thods 2021
Event 3: Learning Methods

2021/09/22 Workshop
Fe­mi­nist HCI Me­thods 2021
Event 2: Local Hub Co-Working
Event in Hannover at Schloss Herrenhausen, funded by Volkswagen Stiftung

2021/05 Book Chapter
„Flatten The Curve“. In: M. Christensen, W. Jonas, Ralf Michel (Hg.): NERD New Experimental Design Research 2, Basel: Birkhäuser 2021, S. 24–35.

2021/01/25 PhD Defense
Drawing Together. A Collaborative Knowlege Practice at University Potsdam

2020/11 Book Chapter
„Darf ich da reinmalen oder ist das heilig für Dich?“. In: Sabine Foraita/Bianca Herlo/Axel Vogelsang (Eds.), Matters of Communication – Formen und Materialitäten gestalteter Kommunikation (89-97). Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2020.


2024/05 Lehrpreis 2023 Anhalt University
VR Fotostudio with Prof. Dr. Johannes Tümler

2023/01 Mobility Grant BMBF DAAD
Design Research Incubation
HSA Dessau / GUC Cairo

2021/10–2022/01 Scholarship INITIAL
Neustart Kultur, Akademie der Künste

2021/07 Residency Grant, AiR
Künstlerhaus Lukas, Ahrenshoop

2021/01 Grant bbk
Neustart Kultur, Digitalgutschein, supported by Dr. Karin Windt | webgewandt

2020/10–2021/03 Scholarship
Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa Berlin / Kulturprojekte GmbH

2020/01–12 Mentoring
Universität der Künste, Berlin with Prof. Dr. Kathrin Peters

2019/01–06 Scholarship
Bridge Program University Potsdam

2018/01–12 Scholarship
Finishing Grant for Postgraduate Studies, ZeM Potsdam

–> what happened so far